Legacy Site

The Legacy Site is a 50-acre parcel of undeveloped land located on Maple Valley-Black Diamond Road/SR 169 across from Rock Creek Elementary School with Lake Wilderness frontage.

The property was purchased by the City of Maple Valley through a bond initiative in 2000.  In 2015, the City refinanced the Legacy Site property with a lower interest rate, five-year tax-exempt bond which sets limitations for public/private use through 2020.

Such a large parcel of City-owned property located near the center of the City, it is not surprising that the Legacy Site has been subject to City Council discussions over the years to determine the best use of this asset.  In 2001 a Citizen Advisory Committee was charged with researching and providing a vision for the property to Council.  In response to interest by a private company seeking an opportunity to build a sports complex on the property in 2015, a Task Force was created to research and provide Council with a recommendation.  The City’s Comprehensive Plan Update adopted by Council in 2015 allows commercial use of the property and the Parks, Recreation, Cultural, and Human Services Plan envisions utilizing a portion of the property as a community park. 


Overarching recommendations for the Site

  • Respect the Maple grove, second growth Douglas Fir and Western Red Cedars 
  • Value the natural topography of the Site
  • Master Development Plan with a strong development agreement via a Public Private Partnership
  • Allow for appropriate perimeter buffers
  • Utilize a mix of natural and formal landscaping
  • Create non-motorized circulation and connections throughout the site
  • Reflect authenticity in design and architecture
  • Create a unique, energized experience
  • Imbed history and art in designs and displays
  • All internal roadways need to be pedestrian friendly  

2018 Task Force Recommended Uses


  • Active Forest 
  • Civic Green
  • Commercial with unique retail 
  • Destination “brewhouse” type restaurant (no national chain)
  • Farmers/Public Market
  • Higher Learning Center (tech or corporate campus with residency)
  • Innovative Offices and Collaborative Workspaces
  • Recreation Center with Indoor pool
  • Visitor Center

Next Steps

  • Interim, temporary use phasing: year-round Farmers Market with food trucks and seasonal events
  • Define “soul” of Maple Valley to be reflected in design and specific uses to ensure they match the vision for a future Downtown Maple Valley



On Saturday, October 5th, our City Manager, Laura Philpot and Community Development Director, Tawni Dalziel, led the City Council and other Maple Valley citizens on a walking tour of the Legacy Site as preparation for further discussions on future use. The City Council will be discussing this on the October 14th council meeting. The council meets at 7:00 p.m. at the Tahoma School District Central Services building adjacent to Rock Creek Elementary School.